Students and alumni share what the experience meant to them—including the ways it shaped their decision to apply to and attend Tuck.
"WIBCo is the reason I’m at Tuck. Before that weekend two years ago, I wasn’t sure yet whether I wanted to move away from a city and from my partner to be at Tuck. WIBCo was my chance to experience Tuck’s tight-knit community first-hand and to spend quality time with students, faculty, alumnae, and other prospective students (many of whom are now classmates!) in a more intimate setting – and to get a real feel for whether Tuck was a good fit. I came away from the weekend realizing that Tuck was not only a good fit, but it was the BEST fit for me in terms of the people and culture. I really got to know Tuck through that experience and made some great friends in the meantime whom I stayed in touch with through the application process."
"I learned that everyone really does want to help you and that they understand that being a woman in business is different. The speakers knew it and were willing to teach us about how to navigate business and how to stop selling yourself short. "
"WIBCo was one of my first introductions to Tuck, and the experience really helped me visualize what being a Tuckie would look like. It was the first time I could see myself in the shoes of the students in the classes above me and think: wow, I can do this."
"I was very impressed by the immense respect and care with which Tuckies treat one another, as well as their dedication to giving back to the community. This weekend really confirmed that Tuck is exactly the type of MBA program I would be honored to join."
"The conference for me was a great way to experience all the things that people talked about when they talked about Tuck – the beautiful campus, the engaging professors, interesting classes and involved and supportive Tuckies. It is an incredible community. I stopped a Tuckie to ask for directions to the parking lot. We ended up standing outside in super cold weather, me in a business dress and her in athletic wear chatting for about 20 minutes. She asked about my interest in Tuck, what I thought of the conference so far, and about my past. I was able to reconnect with her when I came to Tuck as she was now a second year and she continued to be extremely supportive and helpful particularly during recruiting."
Charting Your Legacy: The 2024 Women in Business Conference
“WIBCo has always been a cornerstone for bringing together strong, motivated women who are eager to support one another and create meaningful change. As a Tuckie, I have witnessed how the intimate, collaborative nature of Tuck fosters this mantra in the classroom and beyond.”
—Tori Semaan T’25
Harness Your Superpower: The 2023 Tuck Women in Business Conference
“[B]y supporting and celebrating each other’s strengths, we can achieve incredible feats. I’m grateful to be surrounded by an extraordinary group of women and allies at Tuck, and I’m confident that with their support, I can achieve anything.”
—Tatum Bradley T’24
Courageous Leadership: The 2022 Tuck Women in Business Conference
“Before going to WIBCo 2019, I couldn’t imagine leaving my job and going back to school. I was happy in my current role, found friends in my colleagues, and didn’t think I was MBA-material. I was scared to leave the comfort of my life in Boston because I was afraid to fail. However, during WIBCo 2019 I saw myself as a member of the Tuck community and when I hopped back on the bus back to Boston, I hoped I’d be back.”
—Lynsey Kirby T’23